Periodic inspections
The Plus Katsastus inspection chain is 100% Finnish-owned, with more than 40 locations around Finland.
Periodic inspections
A periodic inspection is a roadworthy inspection of a vehicle to check its condition and the information registered about the vehicle.
In addition to the vehicle’s condition, the periodic inspection checks that the vehicle is safe to drive and that it does not cause excessive damage to the environment. The periodic inspection also checks that the taxes and fees the vehicle is subject to have been paid.
The repair reminders issued during the periodic inspection are stored in the Transport Register and printed on the certificate. The repair reminders are removed from the certificate at the next periodic inspection if the faults have been repaired.
The following points are covered during the inspection:
- axle mountings, wheels, suspension
- braking system
- vehicle identification details (e.g. serial number, registration number)
- electrical equipment, lights
- chassis, bodywork
- steering equipment and controls
- visibility (e.g. windscreen, windscreen cleaning equipment, mirrors)
- environmental impact of the vehicle (e.g. noise, fluid leaks)
- OBD (petrol engine emission control system) measurement (petrol vehicles registered on or after 1 January 2001 and diesel vehicles taken into use on or after 1 September 2016)
- exhaust gas measurement (petrol vehicles taken into use after 1978 and more than 10 years old)
- smoke measurement (diesel vehicles, taken into use between 1 January 1980 and 31 August 2016)
- additional inspections for specialist vehicles (e.g. equipment for fire engines).
Check here (for free) on the Traficom service for your vehicle’s technical specifications and inspection date
Our services also include modification inspections and registration inspections.