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Save both time and money, and book your appointment in advance below. Welcome to Plus Katsastus!

Loviisantie 10, 06150 Porvoo
044 423 2760

Plus Katsastus Porvoo

Plus Katsastus Porvoo, Loviisantie 10, 06150 Porvoo, Suomi

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Week 51 Week 52
ma 16.12 09:00 - 17:00
ti 17.12 09:00 - 17:00
ke 18.12 09:00 - 17:00
to 19.12 09:00 - 17:00
pe 20.12 09:00 - 17:00
ma 23.12 09:00 - 17:00
ti 24.12 Closed
ke 25.12 Closed
to 26.12 Closed
pe 27.12 09:00 - 17:00

Meiltä saat kaikki henkilö- ja pakettiautojen määräaikaiskatsastukset ja niiden jälkitarkastukset.

Asemalle voit tulla ilman ajanvarausta tai voit halutessasi varata palveluajan netistä tai soittamalla asemalle.

Joustavat palveluajat tarjoavat parasta mahdollista katsastuspalvelua asiakkaiden toiveiden mukaisesti.

Meillä ei valitettavasti onnistu perävaunujen, asuntovaunujen eikä asuntoautojen katsastukset.

Google Rating
Service Price List (for passenger and commercial vehicles, max. 3500kg)
Periodic inspection booked online with prepayment starting from29,50 €
Periodic inspections47,50 €
Statutory measuring35,50 €
Gas leakage measurements8,50 €
Follow-up inspections27,50 €
Import from an EEA country157,00 €
Import from an EEA country when a technical inspection of the vehicle is also required172,00 €

* A Traficom control fee of €2.75 is added to the price of periodic inspections, import inspections and follow-up inspections.

A more detailed price list is available at the station. Prices include VAT at 25,5%.

Adam Sorila
6 years ago
Basic car inspection, the guy working there was very miffed to be working in the summer while weather was good outside and his mood reflected negatively on his customer service. But they got the job done.
Vitaly Stockman
4 years ago
Fast and professional
Heimo Huima
5 months ago
Smooth and friendly service. The schedule was right. I will come here again.
timo ojala
4 weeks ago
They didn't inspect the sprinter (k-a) ☹️
Periodic inspections
Periodic inspections for moped cars and ATVs
Statutory measuring

Plus Katsastus Porvoo Oy
Business ID: 2728304-7

Loviisantie 10, 06150 Porvoo
Phone number: 044 423 2760

Invoicing information:
E-invoicing address: 003727283047
E-invoicing operator: 003723327487

If your company has multiple vehicles or you perform inspections on behalf of your customers, billing is the most convenient way to handle payment transactions. You can easily set up a billing agreement via the link below or by visiting us in person.

Invoicing service for companies
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