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Welcome to Plus Katsastus!

Opens in 08:30:00
Lokomonkatu 24, 33900 Tampere
044 423 2420

Plus Katsastus Tampere Hatanpää

Plus Katsastus Tampere Hatanpää, Lokomonkatu 24, 33900 Tampere, Suomi

View larger map
Week 7 Week 8
ma 10.2 08:30 - 18:00
ti 11.2 08:30 - 18:00
ke 12.2 08:30 - 18:00
to 13.2 08:30 - 18:00
pe 14.2 08:30 - 18:00
la 15.2 09:00 - 14:00
ma 17.2 08:30 - 18:00
ti 18.2 08:30 - 18:00
ke 19.2 08:30 - 18:00
to 20.2 08:30 - 18:00
pe 21.2 08:30 - 18:00
la 22.2 09:00 - 14:00

In Tampere, Plus Katsastus is located right in the city centre, based in the heart of Tampere’s automotive hub, in the Hatanpää business district.

You can find us just off the busy Hatanpää main road, at Lokomonkatu 24.

We carry out all types of periodic inspections, import inspections, registrations and vehicle insurance sales for cars, vans and M2 and N2 class vehicles with hydraulic brakes.

You can come to have your vehicle inspected here without an appointment! Of course, you can also book and pay for an inspection for a reasonable price online if you wish, which will reduce your potential waiting time.

If you wish to have an M2 or N2 class vehicle inspected, check our service availability and book an appointment by calling us in advance.

We also carry out watercraft registrations.

An ozonator for odour removal is available for hire from the station.

Come and see for yourself how your inspection is handled with a truly entrepreneurial attitude and flexibility.

Google Rating
Service Price List (for passenger and commercial vehicles, max. 3500kg)
Periodic inspection booked online with prepayment starting from26,00 €
Periodic inspections44,00 €
Electric car periodic inspection booked online with advance payment starting from58,25 €
Periodic inspection, electric car76,25 €
Statutory measuring32,25 €
Gas leakage measurements9,00 €
Follow-up inspections27,50 €
Import from an EEA country157,00 €
Import from an EEA country when a technical inspection of the vehicle is also required172,00 €

* A Traficom control fee of €2.75 is added to the price of periodic inspections, import inspections and follow-up inspections.

A more detailed price list is available at the station. Prices include VAT at 25,5%.

Andy Stephenson
2 years ago
Great service,very quick appointment advised for a better price and quicker service.
Tommi Hirvelä
a year ago
Went smoothly. A bit of a queue, had to wait 25min.
Danial Getmiri
3 years ago
Once a year I go there to inepect the car and they are usually fair and considerable
Yussif Ali
3 years ago
One of the extra working hours for car registration places in Tampere
Siamak Rahimi Motem
8 years ago
Fast inspection and friendly behaviour toward customer. Good prices
Periodic inspections
Periodic inspections for moped cars and ATVs
Modification and registration inspections
Statutory measuring
Boat registration
Rally car inspections

Plus Katsastus Tampere Oy
Business ID: 2258900-4

Inspection station manager
Teemu Kyllönen (044 423 2424)

Lokomonkatu 24, 33900 Tampere

Phone number: 044 423 2420

Invoicing information:
E-invoicing address: 003722589004
E-invoicing operator: 003723327487

If your company has multiple vehicles or you perform inspections on behalf of your customers, billing is the most convenient way to handle payment transactions. You can easily set up a billing agreement via the link below or by visiting us in person.

Invoicing service for companies
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